
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Statement outlines the manner in which PKV Enterprises Private Limited ("makeittrend", "we", "us", or "our") manages personal information obtained via our digital properties, makeittrend mobile application (collectively referred to as the "Service"), and other activities specified in this Privacy Statement. Privacy is a top priority for us at makeittrend. Our organisation is committed to maintaining complete transparency regarding our privacy practices, which include the manner in which we handle your personal information. This Privacy Statement delineates the manner in which we gather, employ, distribute, and otherwise handle the personal data of users in relation to our service.


  • What Information We Collect
  • How We Use Your Information
  • How We Share Your Information
  • Cookies
  • How We Protect Your Information
  • Protection Of Children's Privacy
  • Links To External Sites
  • Information Access
  • Changes In Privacy Policy
  • Your Rights And Choices
  • Grievance Redressal


This Privacy Notice describes how we collect and use your personal information to provide and improve our product and service offerings. We collect the following types of personal information:

Information Category

Description of Information Collected

Information You Provide to Us

  • Account Info: Name, Email, Address, Phone Number

  • Payment Info: Payment Credentials and Payment Modes

  • Forums Info: Content You Post in Our Community Space

Information We Collect Automatically

  • Browser and Device Info

  • IP Address

  • Services Usage Info

Information We Receive from Third Parties

  • Analytical Info: How often you use the site and more.

  • Personal Info: From Marketing Partners or App Third-party


We utilise the personal information collected for various purposes in accordance with Indian law, including the development, improvement, support, and provision of the Service, ensuring your access to its features while adhering to and enforcing our Terms of Use. The following outlines the purposes for which we may use your personal information:

  • Account Creation and Maintenance:

We use your personal information to establish and manage your user profile on the Service, incorporating account security features such as sending security codes via email or SMS.

  • Orders and Delivery of Products and Services:

We use your personal information to receive and process orders, facilitate deliveries, process payments, and communicate with you about orders, products, and services.

  • Service Improvement, Optimization, and Troubleshooting:

Your personal information is used to optimize features, analyze performance metrics, rectify errors, and enhance the Service. Data collected from individuals may be aggregated.

  • Personalized User Experience:

Using your personal information, we can suggest features, products, and services tailored to your interests and preferences.

  • Communication and Customer Support:

We use your personal information to communicate with you, including announcements, updates, security alerts, and to provide customer support in response to your requests, questions, and feedback.

  • Marketing:

We, along with our service providers, may collect and use your personal information for marketing purposes, including sending direct marketing communications and abandoned cart reminders. Opt-out options are available as detailed in the "Your Controls and Choices" section below.

  • Fraud Prevention and Platform Security:

We utilize your personal information to prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to fraud, unauthorized access, violations of Terms of Use, and other misconduct, ensuring the security of the platform.

  • Compliance and Legal Obligations:

Your personal information may be used for compliance purposes, including adherence to Indian law, responding to lawful requests and legal processes, protecting rights, privacy, safety, property, and enforcing legal and contractual requirements and internal policies. 


At makeittrend, we prioritize privacy and handle your personal information with care. We may share your personal information with the following entities to enhance our services, deliver personalized advertising and marketing communications, safeguard your rights, and adhere to Indian legal requirements:

  • Affiliates:

For efficient order fulfillment, we may share specific personal information associated with order processing, such as shipping addresses and contact details, with subsidiaries and affiliates of makeittrend. 

  • Service Providers:

Third parties rendering services on our behalf, aiding in the operation of the Service or our business (including hosting, IT, customer support, email delivery, order fulfillment, delivery, marketing, consumer research, and website analytics). 

  • Payment Processors:

Payment card information used for purchases on the Service is collected and processed by our payment processors.

  • Advertising and Analytics Partners:

Third-party entities involved in advertising, marketing, and analytics activities as outlined in our Cookie and Similar Technologies Policy. Certain disclosures to these parties may be deemed as "sharing" or processing personal information for targeted ads, possibly categorized as "selling" under applicable law. 

  • Third Parties Designated by You:

Your personal data may be shared with third parties as per your instructions or consent, especially for the services you request. 

  • Business and Marketing Partners:

Third parties co-sponsoring events or promotions, jointly offering products or services, or presenting products or services of potential interest to you.


Cookies play a crucial role in monitoring site traffic and usage patterns by identifying the specific pages you visit and the frequency of your visits. Importantly, cookies do not grant us access to any personal information that you have not voluntarily provided, such as your actual name and address.

By default, most browsers have cookies enabled. However, you have the option to modify your browser settings to automatically reject cookies. It's worth noting that, if you choose to disable cookies, certain features of the site may not function as intended. Therefore, it's essential to consider the impact on site functionality before adjusting your browser settings.


Implemented Security Measures: We have incorporated commercially reasonable security measures to protect the information collected online.

Safeguarding Information: Our security measures aim to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the safety of the gathered information while in our custody.

No Complete Guarantee: Despite our efforts, we cannot guarantee the absolute safety of information under all circumstances, whether it's in our custody, during transmission over the Internet, on the Site, or in any other scenario.

User Responsibility: Users are advised to be cautious when receiving content, understanding that the security of such content cannot be assured.

Transmission Risks: It is important to note that the transmission of sensitive data via email lacks security due to the absence of encryption.


The Site does not knowingly or willfully collect or retain personal information from individuals under the age of eighteen (18). If it comes to our attention that we have unintentionally collected personal information from an underage user of the Site, we will promptly delete such information.


We provide links to external and third-party websites, and we are not responsible for their privacy practices. Users are encouraged to review the terms, conditions, and privacy statements of these linked websites before disclosing personal information.


We exert reasonable efforts to maintain the security, accuracy, and currency of information. Users can contact us to rectify any inaccuracies discovered. Our employees and contractors adhere to confidentiality obligations.


This Privacy Policy may undergo updates or modifications periodically. The date provided above will be revised upon any such changes. Users are encouraged to regularly check this Privacy Policy for updates. Continued use of the Website or provision of data after changes implies agreement with the updated policy.


Several privacy laws, including India's applicable regulations, offer users rights and choices concerning their personal information. Aligned with these laws, makeittrend provides you with options to access, modify, or delete certain information, as well as control how we communicate with you. Subject to relevant law, you may have specific rights related to your personal information, including:

  • Right to Access:

You can access specific personal information linked to your account by visiting your account privacy settings. Additionally, you can request a copy of your personal information in a readily accessible format, along with details on its usage.

  • Right to Portability:

You have the right to receive certain information you provided in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and transmit it to another controller.

  • Right to Correction:

Request the rectification of any inaccurate information about you. Visit your account settings to correct and update certain personal information.

  • Right to Restrict Processing:

In certain situations, where we process your information, you may have the right to limit or restrict how we use your personal information.

  • Right to Deletion:

Under specific circumstances, you can request the deletion of your personal information, except information mandated by law, regulation, or necessary for makeittrend safety, security, rights, and integrity. Note that closing your account may not immediately free up your email address, username, or shop name for reuse on a new account.

  • Right to Object:

If we process your information based on legitimate interests or public interest, you can object to this processing in certain situations, unless we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue or where required by law.

  • Right to Withdraw Consent:

For cases where we rely on consent, you can withdraw it through options like an email unsubscribe link or your account privacy preferences. Withdrawing consent won't affect processing's lawfulness based on consent before withdrawal.

  • Right to File a Complaint:

If you are a resident in India, you have the right to file a complaint regarding our practices concerning your personal information with the relevant supervisory authority in your region.

These rights empower you to have more control over your personal information and its use on our platform.


Makeittrend holds your privacy in high regard. If you wish to opt out of communications or encounter any issues, please contact us at: pkventerprisesprivatelimited@gmail.com

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